With two young sons at home, I find that I am constantly torn between the two of them. There are not enough hours in the day (and not enough coffee.. or sometimes wine).
I'm going to start making a point to spend more individual time with each of them. No cell phones, no distractions, just us, away on our own adventure. I began with H. He and I have hit a wall. Too much cold this winter, too much inside, and too much getting on each other's nerves. We didn't have big plans, all he really wanted was to try to find a lunchbox (the special kind with a hinge!), and to have pizza at the food court in the mall. I felt this was a wish I could easily grant.
So we went out. On a date. He had a little money to spend that was given to him for Christmas, and we decided we would find something for him, and for N so he wouldn't feel left out. We browsed toys, rode escalators, ate some pizza, and finished up with some ice cream and a photo booth. I said yes, instead of no. It was a lovely evening with just my baby, who is not a baby. A simple break from our daily life that we hadn't realized how much we needed.