Ligonier Christmas Session

Family Christmas Session, Ligonier PA

Do you get as excited as I do for Christmas every year?! If so, this family session will hit the spot!

Every year I can’t wait to photograph this family at Christmastime. I have loved watching them grow from a family of a sweet little toddler, to include a rambunctious puppy and now their sweet little boy is the best addition. They are always impeccably dressed (go check out StylerHerStrong for all your fashion tips and needs!) and just so much fun to be around. So if you’re like me and counting down the days until Christmas this week, here’s some lovely pictures to get you into the Christmas spirit!


Ligonier PA Christmas Session, L Family

I look forward to photographing the L Family every year. They are always just the sweetest, always dressed impeccably (thanks to a fashion blogger Mom!) and we just never know what we’re going to get, with an adorable five year old and one year old puppy! ;-) Thankfully they’re so laid back, and I love their high energy, and these are always some of my favorite pictures each year!

So with Christmas just around the corner, please enjoy the lovely L family in our beautiful Hallmark-Christmas-worthy town of Ligonier!

And ps, if you want awesome style tips and just an overall fun blog, I highly encourage you to check out Kalyn’s website: Style Her Strong & IG: Style Her Strong or to see more from our session and to hear a little from Kalyn click here!