Maryland Coast Wedding, Liz and Tiffany

Like so many other couples, Tiffany and Liz had to pivot and replan their original 2020 wedding date. After several attempts to find a new venue, they finally decided to hold the reception in Liz’s parents backyard in Galena Maryland with the ceremony held not too far away at the Foehliage off the Sassafras River. And oh my gosh these two are the best and their wedding couldn’t have been more beautiful, warm and inviting with the love these two have for their families, friends, and most importantly for each other! I’m not sure there was a single dry eye during their ceremony - including myself! I’m lucky I managed to keep photographing through all of my tears as they walked their pup around and through their guests accepting blessings and well wishes. It was truly one of the most beautiful moments I’ve ever witnessed during a ceremony. So I have nothing but love, joy and gratitude for these two and only wish they didn’t live so far away so I could hang out with them more!

Below are my favorite images that tell the story of Liz and Tiffany’s wedding day! xoxo

Special thanks to my sister, Katie, for coming along with me and helping to photograph this wedding!